American  Brainwashed

(Created Fri 13th Jan... Update 1/23/23)

Election Fraud, Coups and War

"The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions..."   John Locke

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness..."  Thomas Jefferson

"You know the thing..." Joe Biden


We are living in Plato's cave watching sock puppet shadows on the wall. Bill Gates, Fauci, CIA, NIH etc. etc. are the shadows feeding us bullshit. I confess that I too have been taken in, snookered, into buying the corporate news media and government overlords. For the longest time I believed the JFK assassination and 9/11 terror attack as narrated by corporate news media and government overlords. The Covid narrative I never bought into and thought it was way overblown. 

Today, freedom of speech, the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, is under attack and there is no such thing as freedom of the press anymore, because the press has largely been captured by big pharma, and our speech is getting throttled by social media like facebook, youtube and twitter, to name a few. Amazon has refused to sell certain books, such as by Alex Berenson and Judy Mikovits and others, as well as trashed 

The Covid narrative woke me up as to how severely corrupt corporate news media is and how media is bought by big pharma, as clearly evidenced by advertising revenue. Also, many politicians attain donations through big pharma, in return for making vaccines compulsory. Never underestimate government corruption and government incompetence. 

Compulsory vaccination is an assault on bodily autonomy! 

You would never tolerate the government forcing you to eat corn, drink whiskey or smoke pot. And yet most people are willing to gag their face, pull their pants down and bend over to have unknown chemicals injected in their ass. How is this possible? Brainwashing comes to mind. Brainwashing by predatory psychopaths like Bill Gates and government bureaucrats like Fauci.

Here are 3 key aspects to consider next time you see a doctor, go to a hospital or get a vaccine. I am a hard core anti vaxxer, to the extent of wanting to haul many of these vaccine pharma companies to court. Consider:

1) Conflict of Interest

2) Informed Consent

3) Second Opinion

After careful consideration, I’ve concluded to never blindly believe anything in the news media nor the government. Seriously consider that news and government do not have your best interest in mind, they have their best interest in mind. Oh, and corporate news and politicians are heavily funded by big Pharma - big time. Oh, and big Pharma and government bureaucrats, ie. CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. are all tied at the hip too and collect royalties. You get that - right?

What are the shadows displayed on the wall in the cave? The “official” Warren Commission Report is a shadow. The “official” 9/11 Commission Report, delayed and obfuscated by Bush, initially headed by Henry Kissinger, who resigned, is a shadow. Covid-19 and Operation Warp Speed is yet another shadow, perhaps the most egregious and dangerous.

Psyops psyops psyops… David Hawkins ( says we are not equipped with the capacity to see truth. A common saying is the “Truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). The truth can also save your life. If you are unable to see that the Covid jab is a bioweapon and go ahead and take the jab, you are risking your life and trashed your God given natural immune systems. Narcissist Anthony Fauci was director of NIAID from1984 until 2022. He is a failed scientist and possibly the world's most evil prolific mass murderer. 

Fauci Gates and Collins 

Did you know that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are business partners? And that both these narcissistic sociopaths made millions of dollars because of the Covid pandemic? (AKA Plandemic and Scamdemic.) The sociopath on the right is Francis Collins, former head of NIH and hence Fauci’s boss. 

My world view of the USA, the country I was born in and grew to love, the country I joined the Marine Corps for four years out of High School, the country I have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes, has been utterly shattered. Is it possible that our own government - CIA, Bush Sr., LBJ, etc. etc. was involved in the assassination of JFK? And that the Warren Commision was a smoke screen, a psyop? Did this event lead to the Vietnam war?

Is it possible that Dubya, Bush Jr., helped engineer the WTC terror attack on 9/11, along with former Secretary of Defense Prick Cheney and Rummy Rumsfeld, FBI and CIA? The evidence is not looking good for these potential psychopaths that appear to have no regard for human life. The 9/11 Commission report was farce, a psyop. And worse, the so-called free press, provided for by the US Constitution, appears to be infiltrated by the government. Recall the Church Commission. War is good business for news media and so are pandemics.

Plotkin’s Vaccines is the vaccine bible. Note the image is the shape of the African continent and the forward is written by Bill Gates. Really?! Bill Gates is writing a forward to a vaccine book, costing $255 on Amazon by the way.

The authors: Stanley Plotkin, Walter Orenstein, Paul Offit and Kathryn Edwards. Del Bigtree’s lawyer, Aaron Siri has done a remarkable job on deposing Stanley Plotkin and Kathryn Edwards. Aaron exposed how extremely arrogant Stanley Plotkin is.

Did a bat have sex with a pangolin to create the Covid-19 crisis? NO Sparky, don't be fooled by this psyop. Masks were always totally useless, and the jab was and still is killing, maiming and torturing men, women and children. 

What came as a great surprise to me is evidence pointing to ALL vaccines as dangerous and totally useless for its purported purpose; truly sickening when you wake up to the reality behind vaccines.        

Think bioweapon and democide regarding Covid. Sick psychopaths are running the US health authorities, with Mengele Anthony Fauci as the lead psychopath. The CDC, FDA, NIH etc. etc are captured regulatory agencies captured by big pharma; so too are politicians, hence the tyrannical mandates by government. Sick!

Everyone everywhere needs to develop a paradigm shift about what a vaccine is, and how pathetically unscientific vaccines actually are. I’m calling for an immediate Cease & Desist of ALL vaccines and their mandates, effective yesterday. Big Pharma needs to pay out heavily to the many injured. “We beat big pharma” says Joe Xiden - shut up Joe and sit down. 

Let’s review each of these three events to describe what was happening at the time, how we interpreted the event, what we were being sold and, importantly, what were the long term ramifications of these three events: 1) The JFK assassination, 2) The 9/11 terror attack on the World Trade Center and 3) The Wuhan virus Covid-19. These are three major events in US history within the past 60 years. I contend that these three major events reflect election fraud, coup and war. A historical alternative viewpoint will be demonstrated, which is quite removed from what corporate news and government bureaucrats are smelling us. Ready? Set!  Down the rabbit hole we go.

Become Ungovernable. Do Not Comply and make yourself hard to kill.